9 to 5 (Teen Cast)
Show dates: Feb. 25-27
Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In a hilarious turn of events, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy – giving their boss the boot! While Hart remains "otherwise engaged," the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. Hey, a girl can scheme, can't she?.
Audition Info
November 16 (3-4 PM)
November 17 (2-4 PM)
Auditions are open to actors aged 13-18 years old (18 yr olds must still be enrolled in high school). You do not have to be a current student at the Wonder Theatre Academy to audition.
We are only forming 1 cast and in order to provide the best and safest learning environment for our students, we will need to limit the number of students accepted. Therefore, we may not cast all students who audition.
BE ADVISED, this show contains adult themes and language.
Director: Kelly Petlin Beaty
Choreographer: Alonzo Corona
Music Directors: Josh Pepper
Students auditioning will be asked to sing and dance. Some may be asked to read from the script.
Vocal Audition
Students must choose a song in the style of the show with sheet music. The song must be 16-32 bars or no longer than 2 min.
There will be piano accompanist for this show.
If you are auditioning for both shows (9 to 5 and Beetlejuice Jr), please just sing one song with the accompanist.
Dance Audition
Students will be asked to learn a dance combination. Please dress to move. If you have dance shoes please bring them. If not, be prepared to dance in socks (no bare feet and no street shoes in the dance studio).
Rehearsal Dates
Rehearsals: Saturdays, Dec. 7-21 and Jan. 4 - Feb. 19, 2-5 PM
MANDATORY ATTENDANCE for all Tech Rehearsals and Shows
Tech Rehearsals
Feb 22 - 10 AM - 2 PM
Feb 23 - 6-10 PM
Feb 24 - 6-10 PM
Feb 25 - 7 PM
Feb 26 - 7 PM
Feb 27 - 7 PM
Tuition is $475 ($450 if paid in full).
Upon casting, payment is required if you accept your role and wish to participate. This can be in full (to receive the discount) or as the first installment of your payment plan. Tuition must be paid in full by the 4th rehearsal. Should a family accept, and then choose not to participate after the first rehearsal, a partial refund of 75% is applicable but must be communicated to Academy Administrator BEFORE the 2nd rehearsal. No refunds are applicable after the second rehearsal.
Attendance is crucial. Excessive absences and or missing a tech rehearsal may result in reduced roles, having roles reassigned, or being excused from the production with no refund.